All righty, then.
I began my high school a year ago (September). We had an "integration day" or sth. There were a lot of girls (in my class I have 9 boys and 35 girls, huge disproportion). I met Michael several days before beginning of a year and we quickly became best friends. We talked a lot, visited each other, etc. And we talked about girls too. He was very demanding and actually liked none of them. I tell him about Daisy. He was like pff, c'mon she is not so pretty. But I really liked her and I was trying to learn more about her. And things went really good. In classes she always sat next to me, I used to call her almost everyday and we talked for hours. When I was absent she left me her notebooks. She asked me several times to go out with her or to study together. Sounds good, doesn't it? Yeah but Michael kept repeating that that's ridiculous, that I am wasting my time with her and what I should do is to make fun of her, nothing more. And... I listened to him. I was rude for her, I was telling her that she owes her good grades her sis. (you need to know that her sister, who is 2 yrs older, finished same high school with best possible grades and Daisy is very oversensitive about that and she feels challenged. She hates when anyone compares her with her sis, they are almost like twins actually). So Daisy went into a sulk and was not talking with me anymore. And I was in fact glad about that. Michael told that "at last got off my case". But after several month (it was February I think) I felt empty. I must admit- I missed her. That time Michael started to meet with other girl who he used to called "ugly and she looks like a mole". It is more complicated, but let's say he finally is with her. He felt sorry about what he said (he also had difficult situation in his family) and apologized me loads of time. I forgave him but Daisy didn't forgive me. I tried to call her, text her, I was sending messages on FB and she didn't want to look at me.Then came summer holidays, I met other girl and almost completely forget about Daisy. When I went back to school I was really glad that this is over. But when I saw her and when I met her several times (on some parties or sth) I again felt sth to her. I called her on Christmas Eve and told her to forgive me and apologized her for everything. And she agreed. Since then I've talked with her maybe twice, I sometimes write to her on facebook, but it is not the same. She is still distanced and cold. I dunno what to do. I have never told her what I feel to her. Should I?
Thank you for reading till the end and I hope you would help me