I don’t know how men think they can be in relationships when they act the way they do anymore. Technology has made it way to easy for men to be sleazy voyeuristic perverts, degrading women to nothing more than a piece of meat not worthy of two slices of bread. Internet and mobile social media is becoming my number one deal breaker with most men. You and your gadgets prove just how unworthy and untrustworthy you are. I don’t want to be in a relationship where I have to monitor and control my boyfriend ensuring I am for your eyes only and not the million other women on the internet. Porn has become so mainstream it is talked about and flashed over the dinner table like everyone has lost all their morals. I mean what is acceptable now may not mean it isn’t wrong; who is to say what is right or wrong anymore? I mean if the majority of men are doing all these degrading things and so many women are making it all to easy who is to be the judge?
I’d like to say if my boyfriend doesn’t want me doing it then he shouldn’t be doing it either, but men lie and hide shit until their blue in the face… even with the evidence and the browser history to prove it. Anymore, I feel like it would be easier for me to NOT be in a relationship then to try to be in one with a male, unfortunately lesbian is not an option for me. ****. I am so sick and tired of finding shit and feeling hurt by the actions of my boyfriends. I am sorry if I don’t want you looking at other women, masturbating to porn, SnapChatting, and Facebooking other bimbos. When I say something about it to try to understand you I get lied to, hurt, and then finally pissed off. You turn around and throw my feelings back in my face as if I am insecure and jealous, or crazy? Maybe I am ****ing crazy to try to be in a ****ing stable loving healthy relationship with someone whom I love and respect, whom I want to feel safe in loving me.
Anymore, I think if you can’t beat them join em. I will show you what it feels like to be made an option to my other fetishes, as I self-gratify and find less and less need to give you the things you desire because you have become common and comfortable. I will treat you like a second rate human because you have a penis, I am sorry dear there are more dicks in the sea. See here on my mobile phone how many slimy bastards are waiting in line for me. Trust me honey I have more options in the 5 minutes you walk out that door than you do in the next 5 years; you want to see my options well they are wide ****ing open now.
I am done caring and putting my heart and emotions on the line. My ****ing sanity. Men are simply incapable of thinking about anything past their penis, emotions to them are foreign ground and any sign of them is weakness. Well, I am sorry if I did ****ing care now I don’t. You can have your masturbation, your voyeuristic sleaze, your incapability to be faithful reliable and truthful. I am done. I am worthy of a trusting loving healthy supportive relationship with a man who loves me and only me, who thinks of me and only me, who wants me and only me. As I write this I know you don’t exist. The fastest way to get over one douchebag ex is to move on to the next douchebag, soon to be ex.