My partner and I have been together for 18 months. I thought she was the one and we are engaged.
4 weeks ago, what started as only a bicker, ended up in her storming off and not coming home. This is the third time she has done this. When we talk about problems, she either shuts off, doesn't talk or runs. Is that normal for a girl to do? This means issues never get resolved, yet she says I never listen, but she never talks or tries to talk calmly when she does.
So on this instance, I dropped a bag round to her mums 4 nights later and said we should call it a day as you clearly don't love me and shouldn't treat me like this. Proper couples I feel talk and don't run from one another all the time. Also there hasn't been much affection in our relationship or instigation by her, which when I ask her about it, she won't talk, yet in the past 12-14 months it was amazing. I know she 100% isn't cheating on me.
After dropping the bag off, I have had threats from brothers on me and my family. We have dogs and I asked her to wait until I get home from being out and I will give the to her and she got her brother to basically talk to me like crap and threaten me to get them. So I left my day out and gave them back, as I was being intimidated. One I can't believe she got her brothers involved and two I can't believe she let them speak to me like that.
If a girl loves her man? Does she really treat them like this? both running and getting threats from family, and ignoring me?
We are over now, after 2 weeks of not seeing each other, she sent a text saying you are right and we should call it a day, but now she is still playing mind games ignoring me an but I can't help but miss her and for some reason still love her in strange way, but I keep thinking to myself how can I after all this. I find her very selfish, but I also know her family is very controlling. There is a very emotional tie to her mum, as she is alone and separated and feel a lot of pressure from her. Her mum has always wanted her to stay at home in my opinion and dictates a lot of her life to her. We are in our late twenties and if we go away for one night break away, her mum as cried and will even still tuck her into bed. Is this normal?