Guys do you ever find yourself drawing attention to your crotch in some way around a girl you're attracted to? Girls have you noticed guys doing it?
This guy often puts his hands on his hips, or tucks his hands into his belt around me, his crotch facing me. Or he'll stand next to me while I'm sitting with his crotch at my eye level. Today I was in the car with him, (in the passenger seat) and he had his legs spread wide open (which is not a big deal because most men probably sit that way to drive) with a water bottle right up against his junk which he of course kept picking up to drink out of. It was a surprisingly sexual gesture! Other times he had the wheel with one hand and the other hand closest to me was resting on his upper thigh, legs spread open. So is this deliberate? Do guys draw attention to their crotch like this?