I was dating a girl.. we broke up because she said that her mother knows about it and she can't continue..still we were friends..I hoped to get her back soon..later I got to know that she was dating another guy soon after we broke up..To this I was hurt and decided to move on and broke contact by my side..though she used to talk to me everyday by herself for about 2 months after break up but as I more or less ignored her so she left me alone...now its been a long time of about 1.5 years.we didn't talk in these days.But a week before I was missing her badly as the result I talked to her.. she was very normal and we became friends as if nothing has happened! we still don't talk much!! I don't know but I think she was been dating 1-2 guys in these years! I just want to ask what are your opinions on her doing this.. first breakup stating fake reason(most probably,might be it was a true reason)..then suddenly jumping to another guy(knowing her mother don't like it) but still missing and talking to me!!?? was she cheating me or something like that?? makes me really confused!! Don't ask to ask her..its been a long time now and we are not good friends still..!! I still want to know it from girl's point of view!!