Where does "met a guy I really like.......he hasn't changed his facebook status" belong? I vote between #8 and #9
Last edited by dickriculous; 05-11-13 at 06:12 PM.
my ex nearly demanded i change my status when we started dating. it was a really big deal to her and i didn't get it.
For years I never posted my status, then one day I posted I was in a committed partnership (common law) and everyone in my husband's family including my husband jumped all over it with comments like "What? that's the first I've ever heard of it?" It was just retarded.
I wouldn't worry about it my husband took a week to change his status after we got married. He's not a big facebooker either, just give him time and don't worry about it.
It's just facebook. I feel the same as you about it but to them, it's not really all that important. I've been with my guy for 10 months and though I still have my apartment, I practically live with him. He just recently told me he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. But his FB status still says single, as does mine. Just blow it off and focus on the important things like how he treats you and how well you two love each other. If it won't matter when you're on your deathbed, why should now be any different?
Its a facebook relationship status. If he is a light user, he may not even know how to change it. I personally have the relationship thing hidden, and I keep it that way all the time. I know other friends that left it at 'single' til they were married, then it went to 'married'. So whatever, its not a big deal.