This guy I have known for awhile we became very close and he would tell me his problems, and he would talk to me. He checks up on me to see how I am doing cause this has been a very rough year for me. I lost my friend a month ago, I lost my grandfather 3 weeks ago, and I have to get my GED, and I am getting mouth surgery, so there is alot of Anxiety and stuff going on. I am in a depression as well, and well it was my birthday yesterday, and that is another depression, but Jim texts me "Happy Birthday" and I never got back to him so he calls me later in the day, then I call him back 2 hours later. I posted about Jim, and my suspicion that he is having sex with my dead friend's girlfriend on this site. Well he was talking about her, that's Jessica. He was saying that they didn't have sex but he knows it's gonna lead to dating and such and he seemed to get defensive when I said "It seems a little too soon, I mean Mikey died a month ago" I could tell he got all defensive, but then he seemed ok.
He is after Jessica, and it sickens me cause that was my best friend's girlfriend,and he was best friend's with Mikey as well. It's only been a month, but anyways. When I first knew Jim he would ask me out alot and I rejected cause I didn't know him that well. Well, he asked me out a couple of more times recently and when I would agree to go out with him he would back out and make up a excuse. So we are talking and he kept on asking me what I was doing for my birthday, I said I am in a depression, but I will just probably hang with friends. He said "Text me later, let's do something" he kept on repeating himself and kept telling me to text him later, and I agreed.
Also when my grandfather died, he texts me and says "Sorry about your pap" I said "Thanks! I am not doing too well" He said "I'm sorry, come hang out and chillax" I said "Where are you? Is there alcohol?" He replied like 30 mins later and said "No..I am in bed now, I have to get up for a class tomorrow" Like WTF??? And another time when I said I wanted to drink and he said "Come to my house and drink on my porch, so I don't have to use my legs haha" Then I said "Ok where do you live?" He didn't text me back after that and there are more situations where I agree to go out with him, but then he'll back out, and it's this game I have been playing with him. At least I flat out rejected his offers (in a nice way) in the beginning, I mean I wouldn't say "Let's do something" then back out. At least I just flat out said NO! And like I said it was only cause I didn't know him that well, and I needed to get to know him
Here was the convo when I texted him and it was 2 hours later.
Me: So...what's going on? lol
Jim: Eating at Applebees
Me: If you ave plans then that's cool, I'm gonna go to my friends house, but let me know if you still want to do something
Jim: I'll let you know when I am out of here
He then posted on Facebook 2 hours later "ANother perfect night" And he posted pics of our friend, Lisa, with Jessica's Baby, and it even said "With Jessica SMith" So he was with her and Lisa, and Lisa's husband at Applebees. He never texts me back, and he honestly should've just said "I have other plans, I'll catch you later" or something.
Also why is he trying to go out with me, but yet he has a thing for Jessica?
Why is he doing this to me? I am not in the mood to be messed with right now, for what is going on
I just don't understand any of this, he backs away when I agree to go out with him, and even though I think him and Jessica are grimey, I was still willing to go out with him, just to figure out the situation.
Is he trying to make me jealous? I just don't understand any of this, and I am very hurt by all of this. I just feel like I put everyone as my top priority, I never put anyone on the back burner, and I feel like that is what he is doing to me, like I am not important enough to text back or to hang with, only Jessica in his eyes now is important, but it's funny cause he is the one that texts me and calls me, I never initiate conversation. I helped him through alot of problems, I was there for him 100% and I just feel like I am on the back burner like I am not at all important to him. Jessica certainly did not help him the way I did. I am extremely hurt, and honestly I am sick of all of this. Any thoughts as to why he is doing this to me? Thank you!