So, my love has been at his new job, and things are going great with that.
And I've been back at school for about the same amount of time, and that's going good too.
Now, our schedules are a bit conflicting. At this point in time, he's got one day off a week (Thursday), and he's on call two days a week (meaning he's not scheduled to go in, but if they need him, they'll call him and he'll come in then; Monday and Wednesday).
I have a late night class both Tuesday and Thursday nights, though I do get out early on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
He's usually in from noon til close (about 9pm, sometimes later, depends on how busy the place gets), which means by the time he gets home, I'm already ready to just go to sleep and call it a day.
I have let it be known that I want to hang out at least once a week, and so far, this past week has been the only week where we weren't able to cuz of both being busy and not enough gas money on his side (after bills and getting basic stuff like food).
What I'm basically asking now is, if you're in a relationship where both sides have conflicting schedules that will more likely than not change after a few months at least, how do you go about scheduling time to hang out?