I'm not talking about someone you met a few weeks ago or been with for a couple months but 2 whole years. I understand it was wrong but I've never done that in my life till just recently 2 days ago. Now he won't talk to me nor return my call (yes, I did apologized but it didn't work out). As stated this was a 2 year-old relationship and I haven't done anything bad except that one time. Just that I've never seen a person leave that fast. I think I've only counted a couple seconds and he was already gone.
Is this worth walking out on? Can I get him back? He also unfriended me on facebook. I couldn't believe it. I'm starting to wonder if there could have been other reasons he probably already had in mind and is using this as an additional one?
Please don't post what you would do. I'm not asking for that. I'm asking if this was worth him dumping me over? Right now he's acting as if I don't exist, as if we didn't met and I'm here all depressed. I didn't know where else to write so I'm posting it here.