ok, a man and a woman meet at work and start to talk. They begin to talk every single day... morning to night...he is being as sweet and thoughtful as can be. The 2 talk for a few months.. meet out in places to hang out.. and eventually end up sleeping together. The talking never stopped even tho the two have slept together. Woman eventually starts to fall for man and throws out how much she cares about him and starts to buy him little gifts here and there and he does the same. This goes on for about 3 months solid with no break. In the 4th month however... he begins to become VERY distant. Emails start to slow down, he says its because he is busy with school and his children... but the entire time the two have been talking, these kids and school have also been in the mix. They don't meet outside of work anymore even tho woman is constantly trying to find ways to do so... so the only times he wants to be intimate is at the job and of course she is going to do so because she deeply cares for this guy (not to mention his sex is fantastic ) So, woman continues to email every single day like usual even if she gets NO response anymore. Maybe one email a day comes from him when it used to be over 20. What did the woman do wrong and HOW HOW HOW can she get it back to the way it used to be? She wants to back off COMPLETELY but is afraid if she does, he will be okay with it and not speak anymore. She doesn't want to lose him or what they had. When she tries to bring it up to him in person he doesnt want to talk about it. What can she do to get him back to caring about her and wanting her like he once did??????
Is there something a woman can do to make a man want her or desire her again? Am i being too clingy? Should I stop acting like it bothers me? Neither one of us wanted a relationship with eachother...but it always felt like we were kind of in one... always there for each other... talked every day... made each other very happy. i just feel played and i don't think that is what he is doing... he was always so genuine and told the truth no matter what... he said the nicest things and really made me feel like he cared... i know for a fact that he cared... all the sudden it just stopped. i miss what we had and i want it back sooo bad. i am willing to do whatever i have to.