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Thread: I'm not good with women so I appologize if these are simple questions

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Next time you take this girl out make sure its just you two please

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Just kiss her already!!!

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Well as promising as my last post sounded, I'm sitting here all alone with just as many questions as I had to even start this thread. Seriously, what the **** is going through this girls head?! We were "supposed" to meet up tonight. She hit me up and asked me where I was going, I told her I was going to meet up with some friends at this one bar and told her that it would be a good time and that she should come. I didn't hear anything back from her and just assumed it was loud where she was at and that she hadn't checked her phone. I waited a little bit and still didn't hear anything from her. It got to the point where all my friends were leaving, and I was stuck wondering what to do. I got in my car thinking I'd go to where she was, called her, got no answer and just decided to go home.

    Seriously, should I even bother taking this girl out? Why am I even being put through this shit? I've put up with this before and every time I go through the exact same thing, its ridiculous. What do I do about the date now? Part of me wants to not even contact her. Part of me wants to call her and just straight up say whats on my mind. Why are girls so effin complicated?

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by wilfredketchum View Post
    Well as promising as my last post sounded, I'm sitting here all alone with just as many questions as I had to even start this thread. Seriously, what the **** is going through this girls head?! We were "supposed" to meet up tonight. She hit me up and asked me where I was going, I told her I was going to meet up with some friends at this one bar and told her that it would be a good time and that she should come. I didn't hear anything back from her and just assumed it was loud where she was at and that she hadn't checked her phone. I waited a little bit and still didn't hear anything from her. It got to the point where all my friends were leaving, and I was stuck wondering what to do. I got in my car thinking I'd go to where she was, called her, got no answer and just decided to go home.

    Seriously, should I even bother taking this girl out? Why am I even being put through this shit? I've put up with this before and every time I go through the exact same thing, its ridiculous. What do I do about the date now? Part of me wants to not even contact her. Part of me wants to call her and just straight up say whats on my mind. Why are girls so effin complicated?
    Dude! Stop this going out with all the friends shit! Call her and make a date for just you 2. Jeesh!!

    When she called you should have told her youd pick her up so you both could go out....ALONE!!! Youre blowing it Bro
    Last edited by surfhb2; 27-07-13 at 01:48 PM.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    She has never called me that's the thing. As many times as I have gotten in touch with her, it hasn't been reciprocated. I seriously don't know where I stand with her. She accepts my invitation to go out on a date with me but can't even take a simple 30 seconds to return my call or answer my texts. Like wtf is that?

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    OP, she's taking you for a silly ride. Seriously - everything you've stated makes you sound very keen, she'd be blind not to notice. If I was in her shoes, there would be no doubt in my mind that you liked me.

    But this isn't a one man show - you need some reciprocity. She's thus far given you none, not even the courtesy of saying 'yes or no' to dates and meet ups, not even a 'I'm feeling sick so am going home' when she leaves a venue. I would have given up ages ago if a guy showed so much disinterest in me.

    It takes two to tango. She's not tangoing.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Also - she has zero manners. If you arrange to go out with someone you either show up or you let them know in advance that you can't make it. It's incredibly rude to do otherwise. Unless she was raised by wolves, she's deliberately being a bit of a cow.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by wilfredketchum View Post
    She hit me up and asked me where I was going, I told her I was going to meet up with some friends at this one bar and told her that it would be a good time and that she should come.
    OMG I can't believe this. We told you MANY times that the date should be about you and her, not about you and your friends and THEN she joins you. You should have said "let's meet outside the bar at 9" and then walked in together. Yet you treated her, once again, just like any other friend. I honestly don't know what else to say at this point, you're not going to listen anyway. Unbelievable.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    May 2011
    I agree that the OP has probably blown this, but it really doesn't matter because the girl in question sounds like a headcase.

    Cut your losses OP. Find a better girl who is more responsive and less of a flake.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    I agree I need to give up on this girl. What do I do now about the date? Should I just not contact her and hope she doesn't bring it up or what?

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    I don't think she's a headcase as mentioned above.

    She was into you OP, you friendzoned her, and now you play all these silly games - asking her to go out in a group repeatedly. Then you finally man up and call her and say you want to ask her out on a real date, and then...YOU DON'T. You go right back to asking her to meet you out with friends.

    YOU come off like a total game player. I know that wasn't your intention, but you come off as flakey, and like you're toying with her. That's why she's not putting in any effort.

    It's over and done, and just leave her alone. Let this serve as a life lesson of how to act next time you like a girl. You ask her out IMMEDIATELY on a solo date. Done.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Next time a girl shows interest just ask her if she wants to go for a beer or something and leave your damn friends at home! Simple

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Ok this girl is definitely a head case. She called me Saturday and I asked whats going on with her. I had to explain why I felt like I was getting mixed signals from her to which she didn't give much of an excuse. I told her I always had a good time hanging out with her, and she said the same about me. I even asked if she was seeing anyone, as I thought that might be why she was acting so odd, and the answer was no. So then I got on the subject about going out on that date with her...

    I let her know about this new restaurant I wanted to take her to and how it was right next to the movie theaters and right by some bars. She said she would like to go, but she didn't know when she would be able to. She already had plans that night and said she was going to be busy packing for vacation Sunday to leave early in the morning Monday. She knows I was also supposed to leave this week (although I am not leaving until next Monday now) so it made me think "why would this girl accept to go on a date with me knowing that I'm leaving soon and that she is busy with her own stuff?" So I told her I probably won't see her before I leave if that's the case and said I had fun at least with her while I was here. She told me don't worry we will definitely see each other before then and that we will figure it out somehow, and that she would text me when she left the pool. The way the conversation ended seemed like it was kind of abrupt.

    This was all Saturday during the day. I haven't heard from her since then and haven't bothered tying to contact her myself. I just found out yesterday that I'm not leaving until Monday. She gets back from vacation this Friday, and I'm considering asking her if she wants to do something Saturday. In the back of my head I'm thinking it is a terrible idea, but I do like her and I do enjoy hanging out with her, and I'd like to leave things on a good note if I could. Should I even bother?

    Maybe I shouldn't call her a headcase. It could all stem from the circumstances. Afterall, I will be out of the country soon for an extended period of time and she moves away for work relatively soon. I'm trying to look at this in the best light and the only thing I can come up with is that she doesn't want to get attached. She knows not to expect anything serious from it though (she said it herself) so I don't know why she would think she might get attached. Actually, I have no clue what's going on and it just racks my brain the more I think of it. Help me out here!

  14. #29
    Join Date
    May 2011
    I know the type man. She's flaky. Doesn't mean she's a bad person; it just means you should focus your efforts somewhere else.

    FWIW, your reaction is a great example of why women play games - because it gets the guy thinking.

    Stop it. She's not worth it.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by wilfredketchum View Post
    Ok this girl is definitely a head case. She called me Saturday and I asked whats going on with her. I had to explain why I felt like I was getting mixed signals from her to which she didn't give much of an excuse. I told her I always had a good time hanging out with her, and she said the same about me. I even asked if she was seeing anyone, as I thought that might be why she was acting so odd, and the answer was no. So then I got on the subject about going out on that date with her...

    I let her know about this new restaurant I wanted to take her to and how it was right next to the movie theaters and right by some bars. She said she would like to go, but she didn't know when she would be able to. She already had plans that night and said she was going to be busy packing for vacation Sunday to leave early in the morning Monday. She knows I was also supposed to leave this week (although I am not leaving until next Monday now) so it made me think "why would this girl accept to go on a date with me knowing that I'm leaving soon and that she is busy with her own stuff?" So I told her I probably won't see her before I leave if that's the case and said I had fun at least with her while I was here. She told me don't worry we will definitely see each other before then and that we will figure it out somehow, and that she would text me when she left the pool. The way the conversation ended seemed like it was kind of abrupt.

    This was all Saturday during the day. I haven't heard from her since then and haven't bothered tying to contact her myself. I just found out yesterday that I'm not leaving until Monday. She gets back from vacation this Friday, and I'm considering asking her if she wants to do something Saturday. In the back of my head I'm thinking it is a terrible idea, but I do like her and I do enjoy hanging out with her, and I'd like to leave things on a good note if I could. Should I even bother?

    Maybe I shouldn't call her a headcase. It could all stem from the circumstances. Afterall, I will be out of the country soon for an extended period of time and she moves away for work relatively soon. I'm trying to look at this in the best light and the only thing I can come up with is that she doesn't want to get attached. She knows not to expect anything serious from it though (she said it herself) so I don't know why she would think she might get attached. Actually, I have no clue what's going on and it just racks my brain the more I think of it. Help me out here!
    I don't understand what it is that you don't understand. She said she'd like to go on a date with you. Just ask her if Saturday is a good day for her. If she says that she can't on Saturday, ask her to tell you a day that works for her. If she gives a vague answer or doesn't answer, you'll know she isn't interested and you can stop contacting her.

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