It's making so much noise omg
What are the chances it can climb onto my bed?
It's making so much noise omg
What are the chances it can climb onto my bed?
I honestly don't know if it can climb up, but you really ought to kill it (if you're brave enough). What happens if you wake up and you don't know where it is?
I've slain a fair share of mice in my lifetime and I always use the black bin bag+torch/light and a brick to kill it. Obviously it hides in the dark i.e. under your bed so you should position the bag where you think the mouse will run. Then turn on the torch/mini torch of some kind under the bed and the mouse should run into the black bin bag. Then obliterate that ****er with the brick. Or that's how I do it anyway.
Good luck!
I agree, just kill it. I'm sure mice can climb.
“What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know. It's what we know for sure that just ain't so.” ― Mark Twain
Just get a mouse trap
"Don't ask a question if you can't handle the answer".