Originally Posted by
#7. You've been dating him for 3 weeks and you both decide you're going to start having sex. Which is the stronger answer for deciding to do this?
a. You want to strengthen your emotional connection to one another
b You want to experience the pleasures of sex
you cant have one without the other really. When sex is bad it can take away the emotional connection you share over time.. When its good-it usually strenghts the emotional connection. Both are important when it comes to sex-mutual satisfaction as well as emotional intimacy. I wouldnt expect sex to be perfect though straight away. Sometimes it can take a few months to figure out what you both like/want. If we were together 6 months and sex was still an issue-I would end it as I dont think you can have a healthy relationship without sex.
Can I ask why it is so important to you to wait until you are engaged? I mean if you have strong feelings for a girl and are committed and can see a future with her-sex will strengthen the love you have for each other so what difference does it make if you wait 2months compared to 2 years to have sex?
Last edited by michelle23; 19-07-13 at 12:08 AM.
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