Been in an LDR for just a little over 2 years. Nothing crazy far, we are in the same time zone. When I met him he worked hard and he came over and things were just perfect. Then when a new game came out he took 2 weeks holiday... that holiday turned into a year and he says he needed to quit the job because it paid poo (it really did and the hours were shit) but most responsible people wait to find a new job before ending the last right? Nope. He lived at home and his mom did/does EVERYTHING for him. In that year *I* paid the travel expenses and as much as he said it made him feel shit (even if it does) he still never proactively sought work. Slept until the afternoon etc. Id get home just as he was waking and I definitely came to resent this. Anyway he's got a job now which pays a bit better, the hours are a bit better. It's got the point that I refuse to pay any more travel expenses but now he's working and I ask about visiting he answers "I don't know yet". He told me "I don't know" for a whole year and I'm just sick of it. I miss him but I'm investing MY TIME and I've invested so much that at least one measly visit can't harm his pocket that much considering he has zero, and I mean zero coz he doesn't smoke, bills. Anyway.. this has fizzled for me. I love him and it hurts to think about breaking up with him. He says he wants to see me, he says he wants to one day live with me but as days are passing and I'm getting lonelier I'm not sure I can last much longer. If he was in the army or something it'd be easier but just sounds like he's lazy to me. But he's kind, loving, honest.. never says anything mean or hurtful and doesn't play mind games. Aside from above its about as perfect (if not crazy dangerously exciting) as can get.
Anyway this new guy has recently come into my life. Definite chemistry, definitely something there. We have been very honest with one another and we both would never want to disrespect ourselves or my bf by doing anything stupid. But I'm starting to wonder if this might end up being a missed opportunity?... He is also kind and honest and a one in a million guys that compatibility is there (just like with my current bf). It's obviously exciting and enticing after this last year.
So what advice you have? To jump ship or to "wait" some more? :'(