Hello representatives of the beautiful gender,
I've, yet again, got a stupid question for you.
Ever since the dawn of my dating life, I've sometimes met girls who usually got a very good male friend. An example story would be like this:
I ask her what was she up to on holidays and the answer I received was, "I went to a very good friends house and partied." Which to me sounds like she's interested in that person rather than me. I may be oblivious to what that in actuality means, but ah well.
Now, my question is, what is this "very good friend", what does it mean?
Is it the "No entry" road sign?
Is it a "friendzoned" male friend they got?
Is it someone they're interested in?
Is it their male BFF?
Is it their ex-?
Should I even pay attention to that persons existence? (so far I have and the thought of it, pretty much, ruined dozens of possible relationships for me)
This has been bugging me for ever.