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Thread: Should I call him?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Should I call him?

    Hi I'm new to forums and would be very grateful if anyone takes the time to read and reply.
    I have been with my bf for nearly 10 years. This weekend we had a row however this was while we were out drinking and on numerous occasions he dumped me. After that we went home in separate taxis. He called me when he got into bed still drunk and asked to see if I got home okay I said yes but asked why he was calling and he was confused. I told him he dumped me over a stupid row and he said he doesn't remember.
    This happened last week Saturday, on Sunday I never called him and he never called me. On Monday he called me at lunch while I was at work, he spoke to me fine but I was finishing something off so told him I would call him in a short while. I called him back after 15 minutes and he never answered. And today is now Saturday again and he hasn't called me back since. I'm really confused. Is he playing mind games with me? Should I call him back?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    need more info. How is your relationship in general up to this point? Have you split up before? Any issues between you? How often do you see each other? Why do you not live together? Engaged etc after ten years together?

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