I think my ex boyfriend hates me... he doesn't talk or respond to my text messages anymore.
He treats me like shit when i see him in person, and tells me to eff off or go away. I feel like such a bother and annoying and kind of worthless because i was his first girlfriend, kiss, first person he ever had sex with, first person to see him cry (since he was a kid i mean,) and first person he ever actually let in and opened up to about stuff...
we were talking in september and everyone knew we had a think, then we offically started dating in october and we were on and off until april... we did fight alot around winter..
like january?
i dont know what to do anymore...i tried talking to him and mending things and being friends but he doesnt want any of it...and it hurts me soo much cause how can this be possible?
i thought your first always meant something to you...was always special to you?
do you think he even regrets any of this or thinks about me or...what? whats going through his head? whats he feeling?
i need a guys point of view on this..please help?
i really want him back, but i dont think itd be good for either of us...so right now all i want is him to be my friend again....
help ?