I'm asking primarily because I worry about my ex. One month after a breakup and all things considered, I think I'm doing fine. However, I worry about her. Even though we didn't function well, we had an intense, firey and passionate relationship although a lot of that can be attributed to her personality, especially the intense part. She was like a rotweiler when he grabs something, there's no letting go.
There were times when she would tell me stuff like she couldn't be happy without me, there were some suicide threats as well and not in a manipulative way, believe me. I do understand she isn't exactly a stable person although I sympathized. All things considered, it's a wonder she's still alive considerng some things she's been through. Let's just put it this way, take 5 of each woman's worst fears, she's been through 2, almost 3.
It sucks hurting a person that's been through so much but again if it doesn't work, it doesn't.
Anyway, she wants to love and be loved. Simple. Do you think she''ll be able to move on or do people sometimes don't get over some people? Generally, do we always get over or is itmsometimes impossible no matter how much time passes, how many people we hook up later etc?