I am a little new at asking advice from anyone. Yet I am at the point of really needing someone who has been in these shoes or down this road. So i'll explain my issues..
Ive been with the guy i love deeply for alot of years off and on. we have five kids and one on the way. In the past we had our problems and I left him and he fought to get me back. And last year as I thought things were getting better and we we're planing out a wedding after our 5th child was born. He all of a sudden pushed me away and fell for someone that was a close friend to us both.He fell so hard he was willing to let me go and start a life with her and in the mix of it I found out i was expecting another baby. In feb we moved to another town and started to start over and work things out or what I thought was work things out..Our kids love our cell phones and well they got his and opened a bunch of stuff on it , the one morning i get up before him i seen the kids had his phone and like any parent i took it and started closing out stuff and the last thing to close was text messages to another female and yes I did the one thing I shouldnt have I read some of them and I found that he had once again cheated on me and this girl is now expecting a child and the chance of it being his is 50%..He had messed around with her one month after we moved into our new home.Out of all places at a bar where they had a party for a coworker of his . He works with this female so she was there and well he has spent the next month hiding it from me. He says it only happen the one time and it wont happen again. I am just finding this out within the last two days.
I am so broken up and havent a clue how to take all of it . Do i stay or go? Do I allow him another chance to make things right again. IS it wrong for me to not belive a word he says? Is it wrong for me to still love him? There are so many things to ask, so many things to wonder. Should i once again have to deal with this ..I mean all this stuff with him and other females is all in the last year.. And now he is saying he wantss me and loves me and is wanting to get married to me..
Guys what should I do. male and female advice is a help..
I just dont get it or understand why he has done this what i have done so wrong for him to do all this .