When I was pregnant I discovered that my boyfriend had been cheating on me on many occasions with lots of different women. He would lie to them in order to get sex and then often tell them he wasn't interested. In addition there were literally hundreds of women online that he would try it on with.
I discovered this only when I was pregnant with our baby and we broke up. I tried my hardest to be friends with him for our son and eventually I agreed to give it another go.
After I did he started to touch me inwppropriately while I was asleep and we would row. This happened quite a few times and I literally couldn't stand to be around him.
He hasn't changed and since our child was born he has been back online speaking to an average of 30 women. In the first conversation to one she told him that her ex had cheated and she was a mess. He asked her to move to the country and said he would get her a job, a place to live and friends.
He often asks any girl for sex and his sexual behaviour worries me.
This is far beyond normal behaviour and I'm concerned about what environment my child will be around when he is with him.
Does anyone know what to suggest? I've asked him to see a counsellor. The worst part for me is that he thinks this behaviour is normal.