My boyfriend have cheated on me multiple times in our relationship. The funny thing is each and everytime I've always suspected it but I could never prove it. I finally was able to hack into his Facebook account and in July of 2012 I found that he's been with or had online relationships with multiple women.
Well of course my self esteem was crushed because before he apologized to me he blamed me for his infidelity. Some of it I understood. But for the most part I believe that if he was not happy he should have told me instead of going behind my back.
Fast forward to present day. We decided to work things out but I still don't trust him. Everytime I feel inadequate I spy on him and find more things that I either over looked from before and new things that he does. Our current situation now is we were moving along nicely in our relationship. No arguing. No fighting. Just being in love. He apart of this organization from when he was in college. He flirts online with a lot of the women in that organization. He even cheated on me with one of them. So naturally when he went to Virginia to a reunion they were having I felt uncomfortable. But we talked about it and I was able to control my emotions. The first night I was fine. The second night I got mad at him cuz he didn't call or text me. So I went thru his email and found a picture of him and a girl holding hands when he went to a bachelor party in AC and I sent him the picture. He was pissed at me. I went so far as hacking in to his Instagram and deleting some of the girls he's been flirting with. Now we are back to square one. And I feel horrible. He says he's tired of me and he's confused because he loves me so much but my spying is killing him.