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Thread: Is this getting attached too quickly or it is normal?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Is this getting attached too quickly or it is normal?

    Some of you might have read my other posts and should know what im talking about. I started talking to this guy around march 1. I used to know him before but the only thing he used to do was bother me and make fun of me. He told me he did because he likes me. Bottom line is that we have been talking since then everyday and can't seem to get tired of each other. Our conversations flow and we joke around a lot. We went out on a first date and it went well after that he asked me if I liked him because if I didn't he was going to leave me alone. I told him I liked him. The second date comes and we went ice skating. We went to a place that are a bunch of boats and had our first kiss titanic version. After the date we went to have coffee and he dropped me at my home. The cool thing is that he told me he was not going to go inside my apartment just to bother me but he ended up meeting my family on the second date. After the date he told me he really enjoyed being with me and that he loves kissing me and holding me and that he is taking me serious. And i asked him how? and he told me i should feel it by the way he treats me and hold me and that if he wasn't serious about me he wouldn't have met my family past week he has become pretty romantic and caring and tells me how he wants to hold me and cuddle with me. And telling me he would like that someday we take trips together. He also told me his mom knows he is dating me and wants to take me to his home. So what do you think about it is this too fast? Or normal ? Ohh he also told me he liked me since back in November when he met me but was afraid to tell me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    It depends. There are people who know the moment they see the person, that's who they are going to marry and end up being together all their lives. Other times it's just affection that doesn't progress.

    Do you feel it's too fast?

    If he feels a deep connection then it's not too fast. Connection which is beyond the physical realm. There are many more things in this world that happen that we don't see, than what we see. When there is a true connection between two people, that happens beyond the physical, so you can not see how it happened, but you feel it.
    Last edited by toknow; 21-03-13 at 07:37 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by toknow View Post
    It depends. There are people who know the moment they see the person, that's who they are going to marry and end up being together all their lives. Other times it's just affection that doesn't progress.

    Do you feel it's too fast?

    If he feels a deep connection then it's not too fast. Connection which is beyond the physical realm. There are many more things in this world that happen that we don't see, than what we see. When there is a true connection between two people, that happens beyond the physical, so you can not see how it happened, but you feel it.
    We have an awesome connection and like you mentioned the connection is more like emotional than physical. No that I'm not attracted to him because he is pretty handsome and he is attracted physically to me too. But when I ask him why do you like me. He always start with my personality saying that I'm peaceful and nice and that he can open up with me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Katrina26 View Post
    peaceful and nice
    That's a very good description of how people feel when they are happy and everything feels just right. I think he has feelings for you.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    When I met my bf it all happened kinda fast too. We were together a month when I met his family and before that we were seeing each other 3-4 times a week but I didn't introduce him to my family till we were together about 2 or 3 months (coz my dad wouldn't want to meet someone i'm not serious about)

    But fast forward 4 and a half years-were living together, totally in love and happy

    You have been getting to know each other for 4 months and hes liked you since November so that is probably a good sign.

    The only qs I can ask is: do you trust him? has he ever treated a girl badly? What kinda guy is he in general? If you trust him just go with the flow. If not, be cautious and follow your instincts.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by michelle23 View Post
    When I met my bf it all happened kinda fast too. We were together a month when I met his family and before that we were seeing each other 3-4 times a week but I didn't introduce him to my family till we were together about 2 or 3 months (coz my dad wouldn't want to meet someone i'm not serious about)

    But fast forward 4 and a half years-were living together, totally in love and happy

    You have been getting to know each other for 4 months and hes liked you since November so that is probably a good sign.

    The only qs I can ask is: do you trust him? has he ever treated a girl badly? What kinda guy is he in general? If you trust him just go with the flow. If not, be cautious and follow your instincts.
    I didn't ask him to even meet my parents but he was like it would be disrespectful to your mom that I don't go and drop you up inside your apartment. I trust him. He's mad serious about everything. About his past relationships only thing I know is that most of the time he would tell a girl he liked her, they would date and then the girl will tell him he doesn't like him. I mean he seems very traditional. He won't kiss me if there are people around and he won't kiss like making out. He will be soft like with saying feeling through his lips. Also I told him to go home and I'll cook for him and he told me that it was disrespectful to be there alone without my mom at home.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Go with the flow, stop worring so much. He sounds like a great guy and is doing all the right things when you like someone and are trying for a real realtionship. It is also good that you knew each other a bit before you started dating. To me it does not seem too fast, he is just traditional and being respectful. I think him wanting to meet your mom is a GREAT sign and shows that he has good intentions with you.

    I know when I really like woman I have no problem meeting her parents. I like to show her family that I am a good guy and of course give the dad a firm handshake and look him square in the eye.

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