My boyfriend is friends with his ex from a few years ago. I broke up with him and he slept with her during our short break up. He and I got back together within a few weeks and he didn't tell me about what happened between them. That is not the real problem, rather it's that he has kept up his friendship with her since. It has been 6 months since all that and I barely found out about it. Meanwhile, she will text and call and they will visit alone. She apparently has a new boyfriend. She was going through a divorce at the time of their hookup. She also apparently wanted to be in a relationship with my boyfriend but he told her he wanted to get back together with me. I get the sense that she is a needy type and looks to my bf for advice.
I feel disrespected that he is still seeing her AND he won't let me meet her or hangout with them. I don't truly know the extent of their friendship and since I have never been included when they see each other I don't know how they interact.
Ideally I would want him to severely limit his interaction with her, but I'm not sure if that is appropriate for me to ask of him. I am not the type to tell my partner what to do.
Please help me make sense of this. Can he and I move forward with this woman in the picture?