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Thread: should i break up with my girlfriend

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    should i break up with my girlfriend

    Okay I'll start off by saying my girlfriend/xfiance took a trip to california which another guy paid for. Then while she was out there she was telling me she may stay out there. first of all we were engaged and in a serious relationship. Now she said we need to slow down and took off her engagement ring. She also admited to kissing this other guy while she was there but says it was a mistake. she said she came back for me. I'm really torn between breakin up with her and staying in this relationship. She also came back and went out with another guy tonight. which she said had cerable palsy and a hook hand and they were going to shoot pool. But I drove by her house and saw the guy that was picking her up and it's a newer car and he is driving. how can you drive when you have such a bad disease? i probably answered my own question. Also she being more distant and relugant to hang out with me. But we had sex the day she came back and talked about things. now i admit i'm not perfect and have made mistakes. but i never cheated on her. my question is do i trust her? do i dump her? she still telling me she loves me. I have strong feelings for her. Is the relationship to broken to save? She doesn't seem to take my feelings into account. tomorrow is are anniversary should i do it tomorrow or try to put my thought and feelings into it. I have tried to tell her but it seems like she doesn't take me serious about the way I'm feeling. what to do dump her? stay with her?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Texarkana, AR
    Personally I think you'd be foolish to trust her. Sounds like she's feeding you all sorts of bullshit.

    Yeah, I'd break up with her.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    thanks bro thats what everybody says.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Same topic posted 10 times. 9 are now closed, anything without replies has been deleted.

    Main thread is here:

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