X-2 is one of the best superhero films, bro. For God's sake..
X-2 is one of the best superhero films, bro. For God's sake..
X-2 is one of the best superhero films, bro. For God's sake..
Is there an echo in here?
Your mom echos.
Probably, LOL.
Last edited by HeartIsAching; 04-01-13 at 06:20 PM.
Oh for heaven's sake! She wasn't even a girlfriend. You clearly had a chance but you were too slow and missed out. End of story.
If you can't cope with a bit of competition in life you'll never succeed.
How on earth will you cope when you miss out on a job you really want? Will you resent the person who got picked instead of you?
Competition is fine...but competition shouldn't ever be a good friend.
So, tell us. What happened to the two of them? Are they still together, broken up, not giving you a second thought? Their ears must be burning with all the head time you give them.. it's been YEARS, bro. time to put it behind you.
You're drinking poison and you're expecting them to get sick. No point in that.
Have you joined any groups at school? Joined meetmarketadventures.com? Started some interesting hobbies that will get you away from continuously planting it firmly in your own mind that you're destined to always be a failure?
They're buried in his moms garden probably.
No, they never officially got together. I tried on 3-4 different occasions to get something going with that girl, even forgiving that but the spark was gone.
I did join a few groups on meet.com, actually; the reason I didn't use meetmarketadventures is it's all in L.Gay. basically (hate Los Angeles like no other).
Then lets just forget about that part of your life as if it didn't exist. Start 2013 with a new mental slate without prejudging "girls" in general and go to meet.com with an open mind. Mmm'kay?
It won't be easy...plus, I was kinda on my way to doing as you said but then something happened yesterday..
What happen bro?
Yeah, I'm gong to tell YOU, yeah right..