Gonna try and make a long story short here. Started hooking up with one of my neighbors casually for like a week. Then he decided to stop responding to my texts almost 3 weeks ago. I haven't texted him since Christmas and just wished him a Merry Christmas. We live literally 5 steps away from each other. I haven't run into him yet.
So yeah I've already been told "oh he just used you, you should just forget him and move on". Its not that simple when we live a few seconds away from each other. I really thought everything was going good and I thought he was legitimately interested in me.. obviously at least attracted to me right? I wasn't even expecting a relationship from him but maybe he thought I wanted one? I just wish I could talk with him, clear things up and be on good terms.
In conclusion I know that I shouldn't act desperate and I really don't want to. So what can I do that will make me not look desperate?