Hi everyone, just a quick overview. Me and ex split up 8 months ago he has been in a relationship with someone else for 7 months. Bit of back and forth as to if we would get back together or not then he decided to stay with her. Yesterday I had a text off him as he had been a bit mean explaining why he had been like that to me. He said that I was the best thing that had happened to him and that our relationship had been great and the best time of his life (we were together 4 years he is 25 and I'm 33). He explained that I still have a sexual hold over him and when he see me he wants me. So feels it's needed for him to not see or speak to me because of this. We had been talking a bit todayand he said that since the split he has identified that I do still have that hold and that he would rather think of me and us whilst having sex than have us not talk ever. He did say that he does want to give his relationship with this girl a proper go.
Do you think if I go nc for a bit I could have a possibility of us trying again or am I just wishfull thinking?