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Thread: Any advice is much appreciated.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Any advice is much appreciated.

    Yesterday morning by boyfriend and I got into an argument. He asked me about our sex the night before. I said physically it felt good but emotionally it felt empty. To this he got out of bed and stormed out of the apartment. It' so hard to tell him how I feel because his reaction is to go from 0 to 100. What I told him yesterday morning wasn't anything new, I've told that's how I felt about several times in the past. Every time he reacts the same way. I feel like his only objective in sex is sex. He goes for the breasts, the butt and vagina and really doesn't seem to care about much else. When he came home in the evening he put two handles on our dinner table and turned the kitchen lights off, and turned out some music. I thought it was nice of him to do those things but honestly and told him so but honestly that was the extend of the romance. That evening when we were in bed and I noticed him looking at me and asked him what? he said I was just noticing how pretty the light is on your face. In my mind I thought gosh why is it so hard for him to tell me directly that I am pretty so I asked, "the light is pretty? " He said no you are pretty. Than I asked do you really think that I am pretty? And just like that he was pist again. He jumped out of bed and went to lay on the couch. He told me I shouldn't question him when he tells me something. That it's rude and shows disrespect to question him when he tells me how he feels. I used to date someone that would tell me how he felt constantly. When I questioned him he reassured me. I hate how my current boyfriend just doesn't get romance at ALL! When I cry it's the same reaction...nothing. No emphathy what so ever. The last time we went out to small outdoor evening festival, I began to tear up begun his focus was on everything but me. We just sat on a bench and people watched. There was no flirting what so ever what so ever. It didn't feel like a date at all. When he looked over and saw me crying he reacted by getting pissed and leaving me on the bench on my own. This sounds like very young and immature relationship but we are in our early 30's. I know my boyfriend tries but efforts only scratch the surface of what I need in a relationship. Is it possible for a guy to be so clueless or is it that he just doesn't care and desire me in the ways that I am wanting?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Why are you so high maintenance, kitkat? By your discription, this man is trying awfully hard to please you and you're not appreciating any of his efforts. Now, his reaction is about frustration and it doesn't make it right that he bolts angerly away from you when you frustrate him by failing to see the effort he is putting in but it's clear why he does it.

    Why don't you bite the bullet and tell this man what will make you happy or show him in ACTIONS what you would like to see in return. Being ungrateful for what he HAS tried to do is not going to help you get what it is you actually do want. I'm not a guy but one doesn't have to be to see whats going on here.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    I think u sound very very immature i though u both were teenagers.

    instead of wining start open your mouth and speak like a adult.
    acting like a retarded teen doesnt let no men understand u.

    if you want it in the ass tell him i want it in the ass.
    instead of just open your butt and hope he gets it,

    and if he is not like that and u know it stop forcing it.
    break up. cause your story is so stupid nd its like u and him are only about the sex.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I don't think he's clueless. I think you're obnoxious and immature. You cry because of every little thing, no wonder he doesn't care. You're in your 30s..grow the **** up you histrionic psycho.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Twin Cities
    Your boyfriend can't read your mind. This doesn't make him a bad boyfriend, just a normal person. If you want something from him, don't use subtle clues to create an elaborate mystery for him to solve. Just use assertive communication to express your wants and needs in an open and respectful manner.
    Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from bad decisions.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    and from 0 too 100??????? he have anger issues?? big red flagg

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    You both are not compatible. I'm not even sure why you are together because there is obviously no connection between you two. Stop fighting about it, you both shouldn't be together. Sorry but you can't force emotional connection, and from here there isn't any.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    You sound like a pain in the nuts to some degree OP, sorry..
    ...as ancient astronaut theorists would suggest

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    I agree that you sound high maintenance. I suspect he feels like nothing he can do will please you.

    Sooner or later, he'll tell you that he's ending things because he can't make you happy.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by kitkat7 View Post
    When he came home in the evening he put two handles on our dinner table and turned the kitchen lights off, and turned out some music. I thought it was nice of him to do those things but honestly and told him so but honestly that was the extend of the romance. That evening when we were in bed and I noticed him looking at me and asked him what? he said I was just noticing how pretty the light is on your face. In my mind I thought gosh why is it so hard for him to tell me directly that I am pretty so I asked, "the light is pretty? " He said no you are pretty. Than I asked do you really think that I am pretty? And just like that he was pist again.
    I just wanted to add.....I can't believe you said this to him. Here he was doing his best to meet your needs, and all you had for him was criticism.

    Quite frankly, I'm surprised he didn't dump you on the spot. At any rate, he was well within his rights to get pissed at you.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Girl, you accuse him of being clueless but you don't seem to have a clue about his needs either. from what you said it seems like his trying hard to do everything right by you, and you don't seem to notice. if you need romance, try lighting a few candles on your own. cook for you man, put something sexy on, dance for him, make him feel special. let him know he's the man of the house, and you're happy to be with him. he will step up his game even more and you start appreciating it. it's not that you're not compatible, just that you keep on comparing him with your ex, and behaving like a spoiled kid. remember why you are with him in the first place and enjoy every second of your relationship.

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