Thanks. Heres my situation. I was in a very serious relationship. We both have very strong feelings towards one another. Anyhow it came to an end. We've spoken regulary since the breakup about 2 weeks ago. Shes said from day 1 that if I were to change we'd be together. However she doesnt want to date myself or anyone at this point. I have to work on a few things such as stop being a bit too pushy, clingy and such. I'm just asking women how I should tackle this. Do you think shes genuinely honest about us or is she stringing me along. I know there is another guy she talks to. Hes been her friend for 16 years now, he understands her alot better and all, but she doesnt want to be with him at all. Their families are very close. Just asking for some insight. Should I stay in contact but not be at her beck and call pretty much or go no contact. A little more background we've had it very rocky the last 6 months, shes still talking to me after everything I did. I've never cheated or anything like that.