What's up guys. I guess I might seem new here judging by the number of posts but I'm a long time follower of the forum. Ran into some issues with a girl this past weekend and I was hoping someone could help me out.
Long story short, I met this girl in class about a year ago. We studied for our exams together and all went great. She told me she had a boyfriend the first day I was with her but I never thought much about it and kept my distance. She kept coming back to me and was ALWAYS down to hang out. I even met up with her boyfriend at the time and he was a great guy and we got along well and still do. Anyway she broke up with him about a month and a half ago and we have gotten closer to each other ever since. Hung out every single time we had a chance and spent a lot of time together. I always had a "thing" for her but kept my distance until she broke up with him. Then I took her out several times. We drank, we danced, we made out and certain things were said. I may add that I asked her out before I ever touched her and she said she would think about it. Unfortunately I couldn't help myself and made the moves to which she responded to very well on several different nights. I thought the deal was sealed completely until I dropped her off at her house the last time and she simply said "thanks for the entertainment" and added that we need to talk. That happened last weekend while I was in town where she lives.
THIS weekend she came to visit the town where I live to hang out with me (or so i thought) and her friends. We went to some costume party last night with a bunch of people and I was still bummed out about what she had told me before so I kept my distance the whole night. I danced with her for about 20 minutes. Had multiple chances to kiss but decided not to because I was drunk and didn't want her to taste my beer breath. Saw her talking to many guys; several tried to take her home, but I decided to not care and not step in because I wanted her to make her choice. That was last night.
Today we spoke on the phone and she was making lame excuses about not wanting to hang out. I could tell she was lying so I decided to go balls to the wall and ask her if she wants to hang out tonight AT ALL because I need to plan my night out. She said she made "other plans" and that we needed to talk or something.
Yea I know you guys will say to move on or whatever but I am gonna talk to her eventually and I really like her. I will keep out of touch with her until at least next weekend. She's definitely a keeper and I want to try my hardest with her and see what happens. She's a really sweet girl that just got out of a year long relationship about a month ago. Did I move in too soon, too late, or what??? What do y'all suggest I do?