This problem started very early in your relationship when you allowed her to tell you who you could and couldn't be friends with. Instead of folding to these requests as you did, the two options for success were to man up and tell her that she has no right to define who you talk to, and then OPENLY be friends with them (as opposed to create a hidden profile somewhere and lie about it), or the other option is to write her off as someone not worth being with.
Compromise is fair in some cases, but here you should have been tougher and told her that she can't define your friendships. Now you have a baby with this woman? Are you crazy? Yes, you love her, but eventually this kind of sh*t will take its toll, and adding in that you lie to her about social networking means there is a hell of a storm down the road. So my advice? Delete the fake profiles and secret email accounts and whatever else you're hiding. Be straight, tell her you love her, but you miss your friends, and that you're going to make time for them again (both male AND female). If she doesn't trust you, then ask her why she doesn't. If she has no valid answer, then ask her to bring it up again when she does have one.
By the way "I trust you, but I don't trust them" isn't valid.
"All is fair in love and war." - Francis Edward Smedley