Good evening.
I am currently in a "wait" stage with my former fiance, because current events has driven her away from me.
I have been with her for about 4 years now, which has been rough since we live in seperate countries, and during these years i have hidden behind a wall of lies and deceit.
I cheated on her, i lied to her and i have failed as a fiance, more as a human being.
The thing is, i have been given the last chance of my life with her to make it right, to fix this all and to fix myself.
I love her, i have always loved her, and i will forever. The only problem has been that over the years, i havent seemed to WANT to stop cheating, because of that thrill-ride of her not knowing about it.
I have learned that of myself, i admit to it that i am a disgusting piece of... well, you know. (Trying to keep it PG).
I also acknowledge that i need to change, both for her and for myself, but i have absolutely NO idea of how to start!
Do i soulsearch? Do i climb every mountain? Say a thousand Hail Mary's?
I have absolutely no clue.
So therefor, i humbly stand myself in front of you, Forum. Because there has to be someone out there that knows some way of cleansing out yourself and changing as a person.
What would you think?
What would you do if you were me at this point?
I sincerely hope there are someone out there with the answers to this, because i can't lose her. I just can't.
Hope to hear from some of you soon.