Acknowledging some of the best posters, as in providing good advice/real life experience on here.
Maybe I'll update this once in awhile with new faces, other members etc., but it's a good start and oh ya, JUST FOR FUN !!
1) Vashti - Always good, solid advice, coming from experience. Is a mom with a demanding, high skilled career. Good poster.
2) IndiReloaded - On par w/Vashti, but Vashti sugar coats her medicine (job experience), where Indi doesn't mind putting her foot up someone's rear end to get her point across (which is needed sometimes)
3) Cerby - Even though innocentman thinks he has homosexual tendencies, Cerby has the patience to read long posts and still give good advice from a man's pov.
4) Wakeup - Same as Cerby, only she's a she and innocentman doesn't think she's a lesbian.
5) smackie9 - Has a fetish for counseling and weird sexual interests, but those two things aside, gives solid advice.
6) oldskool83
7) VincenzoG91
8) searock - one of my personal favorites
9) bulrush
10) surfhb
Sonrisa - good advice, but doesn't post much
Maidenminx - spunky one, like her attitude
Maple1714 - new member, shows promise