I don't even know where to start, My best Friend died a Few years back, shortly afterwards his Wife met someone on a dating site and they Dated and ended up living together for about 2 years, She ended up Leaving him mostly because he was ignoring her and placing his (Adult) Daughters needs ahead of hers, Anyway She was distraught and Suicidal over leaving this guy for a few months.
Enter me, She calls me one night and is so distraught I felt I needed to be there for her, According to her I ended up saving her life because She claims she was going to kill herself, Long Story short and Believe me, Neither of us were ever expecting it, We ended up together, But before You think I took advantage of a weakened individual, I'll just say while She was crying I put my arm around her to comfort, She turned a kissed me and up until that point I had no idea she was ever interested in me as anything other than her late husband's friend, and Believe me, I never thought I was interested in her as anything other than a Friend.
Now the hard part, We Dated for roughly 2 months and Got along better than I ever have had with anybody, We were making long term plans and She constantly told me how much She loved me and how I was the only one, She and I both felt it was meant to be, etc...Well you guessed it, The EX showed back up and She decided she was still very much in Love with him, It Devastated me but I'm finally getting back together and moving on.
Problem is, She wants me in her Life as her 'Best' Friend, I've tried several times to make a clean break and get away, But She gets all Depressed telling me how much she will miss me, How depressed she'll be etc..I end up feeling guilty and sticking around, Last night She got Drunk because the BF was out with the guys, She calls me and starts telling me she misses me and using terms like Honey and Sweetie, I really Love her and care for her but I just can't figure out why She wants me in her life other than maybe as a Back-up in case things don't work out again, But if they didn't and she wanted back, I'm not sure how I'd react. I guess I should also say that She really Truly is upset for hurting me and has had her own tough time getting over me, So I'm really confused because All my Past Relationships have always ended when they ended and never came back around. She says I treated her like a Princess and She can't find any faults with me, But feels she really needs to give this other relationship a chance.
Sorry to be so long here, But I'm confused as to what to do, How to handle this, Was that really her true feelings coming out when she was Drunk?, Even sober She tells me she misses me and cares about me. Should I hang in there or Run? I'm almost 50 and Never Ever had this aftermath to deal with, I will always Love her and probably would be Dumb enough to take her back in a second as long as She could convince that she really did love me, Meantime though I feel like I'm losing my mind trying to figure out her motives.
Obliviously there is a ton of stuff I left out due to space, But I will say, I'm only the Third guy she was ever with, She was married for 23 yrs before her Husband (My Friend) died, She speaks from the Heart and generally doesn't say anything she wouldn't mean, Is it possible She Loves 2 Men? I don't know what to think anymore, But sometimes I think she's as confused as me.
But Thanks for listening.