I've recently found myself starting to develop very strong feelings for a friend of mine...trouble is, he has a girlfriend already...however, I get very strong vibes of a mutual attraction, and all the signs that guys show when they like a girl...I've always been a very good judge of whether or not a guy likes me or not, and my heart tells me he does...and that's not just wishful thinking on my part because I like him.
And let me just say, he knows that I like him, BUT, he also knows, because I adamantly told him, that I will NOT try to break them up, and that is nowhere near what my intentions are. I do NOT want to be "that girl"...and I can't stand the thought of being responsible for someone's misery in that type of situation...
Anyways...so back to his girlfriend...I don't know her all that well, but I like her, and regardless of whether or not I liked her or not, I still do NOT want her to get hurt...but I've gotten hints of the relationship going through some bumps...
That...and I got an anonymous letter from someone telling me that even though they are with someone, they feel a stronger connection to me, and that if they were single, they would find themselves falling in love with me...
There is NO one else that feels that way about me, and it's too much of a coincidence for me to not believe it's him...
Now...I'm not getting my hopes up...mainly because, again, I don't want his girlfriend to get hurt...that and I am afraid of letting myself completely trust him if he could leave her that easily for me...
But all that aside...suppose it just isn't working out between them? If he's truly not happy with her, and he does decide to leave her...I'll obviously play it cool...he may not be leaving her for ME, but at the same time, I still feel like he feels for me...
Anyways, I'm just asking...if this were a situation where he WAS going to leave her for me...how do I respond? What if his girlfriend was emotionally destroyed? What about her family? I don't want anyone to get hurt...I know sometimes it's not unavoidable...I've never quite been in a situation like this before...