Hello everyone,
I have an issue that I'd like to run by all of you and see what I can do to either resolve it within myself, or resolve it within my marriage. I grew up as the kind of person that never enjoyed having guests over. When I was a kid, I didn't have sleepovers nor did I enjoy just having friends over to play or hang out. If I was to hang out with my friends, we would either go out somewhere or we would go to their house. Not once did I ever want anyone over at my house.
Well, I'm a newlywed who is now going through an issue regarding having guests over. My wife has a family member who lives an hour away. When that family member comes to visit, they bring their kids and their spouse, and more often than not, they end up staying the night at our house. I'm still, as of this date, not someone who wants company over. I'm fine with the occasional visit to the house if it isn't that long of a visit, but I still clam up and get very down when they decide they're going to stay the night with us.
I've discussed this with my wife numerous times to no avail. I've explained to her the issues I have with having company staying over, but it does no good. It feels like I have no control over the situation, nor do I have any say-so in who does and doesn't stay the night at our house. This has nothing to do with me not liking her family in the least bit, and I'm afraid that my wife thinks that it does. If the shoe was on the other foot, and it was my family who wanted to stay with us, I would certainly tell them that it isn't an option and that they would need to make other arrangements. So again, it has nothing to do with her family, I love every single one of them dearly. This is a problem that I have and have had since I could ever remember.
How do I deal with this? We have another weekend coming up where they're most certainly going to want to stay the night and I've already expressed to my wife that that isn't going to work for me. She has a really hard time telling people no, and I know in the end they're going to end up staying here because they always do. I don't want my wife to ever get the notion that I don't care for her family because again, as I've stated, that isn't the problem, nor has it ever been. I love the nieces and nephews as well as the in-laws, they're all great. It's just a problem that I have and have always had.
Can someone help me out here? I know I'm new to the forum, but I'm really needing some guidance here. I don't want to ruin my marriage over these feelings that I have, but then again I want my opinion to count for something too.
Thank you very much for any help you can give me!