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Thread: How to talk to a girl you don't know?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    How to talk to a girl you don't know?

    There's this girl at school who I think is extremely cute but I don't know her. I think we are in the same grade but I have never talked to her. We're not in any classes together but her locker is next to mine. She is kind of the quiet type and doesn't have a whole lot of friends. And as far as I know, she's single.

    So how do I approach her and talk to her? I'm not a very social person...I don't talk much and I consider myself socially awkward...I only have like 3 or 4 real friends, only one of which is a girl. I've never had a GF or anything so I guess I am extremely inexperienced with women.

    I was thinking of just randomly saying "hi" one day and telling her she was pretty, but IDK if she would think that is creepy. And I wouldn't really know how to continue the conversation after that. =/ Plus, I'm not a good-looking guy, I'm a scrawny white kid with glasses. I'm not trying to be a creep, I just REALLY think she's cute and would like to get to know her and stuff maybe. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Twin Cities
    You sound like me, back when I was in high school. So I'm going to tell you what I wish someone had told me back then:

    1. Don't wait for the perfect moment to talk to her. There won't be one, and you will waste a lot of time waiting for it. Just talk to her the next time that you see her. And again the next time after that, and so forth. Become a familiar person that talks to her.

    2. I know that you want to tell her that she is pretty right away, but that is exactly the creepy kind of thing that might scare her away. Instead, start with something minor. For example, introduce yourself, and apologize for not doing so sooner, since you see each other so often. Or say something about the weather, or school. This is called small talk, and this is how you should start talking to a total stranger if there isn't any other apparent reason to start talking. Stay with the small talk at first, and don't mention that she is pretty until some later conversation when she seems more comfortable around you.

    3. Before approaching her, it would be helpful if you had more experience talking to women in general, or for that matter, people in general. Since it is Mother's Day this Sunday, you should go to the mall tomorrow, even if you already have a gift for your mother. Go to various stores and ask sales clerks (especially female ones) for help in finding the right gift for your mother. That's it. Don't make a big deal out of these conversations, but try to get used to talking to women that you don't know.

    4. You may be a "scrawny white kid with glasses," but you can rise above that if you have confidence. Women are attracted to confidence. From your description, you aren't confident. Yet. So you will need to fake it until you make it. So think about something that you're good at, and try to channel that feeling when you are in other situations. It might not be anything impressive to women (like my vast knowledge of comic book trivia), but just try to keep that in mind that you're really good at something. Stand up straight, walk tall, and know in your heart that you are superior in at least that one way, and more to the point, that you could achieve that level of mastery in other aspects of life whenever you get around to it.

    5. Don't get too hung up on this one girl. Despite your efforts, she might not be interested. Maybe she has a boyfriend at some other school. Maybe she is a lesbian. Maybe she has a certain type, and you just aren't it. Fortunately, there are about 3.5 billion other women on this planet, and some of them live in your part of the world. You will meet some of them soon enough if you don't get too obsessed on one girl that isn't interested in you.
    Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from bad decisions.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Twin Cities
    Three more tips.

    6. Like most people, women like to laugh. Go online and look at YouTube clips of various comedians, and try to study how they set up and deliver jokes. Try to emulate what works. Memorize some good jokes and practice tellilng them to your friends and family. Maybe even come up with your own humorous observations about life around you. If you can make people laugh, that can go a long way towards achieving confidence, and some girls would love to be with a guy who is both funny and confident.

    7. If you are worried about rejection, try to start flirting in conversations. Go back to the mall and practice talking to female sales clerks again, only this time, try to drop the occasional compliment into those conversations. You know that you are flirting properly if a woman feels compelled to abruptly drop a reference to her boyfriend or husband into the conversation. If she seems flattered and not threatened, that's a good sign that the conversation is going well and you won't be rejected because of an existing relationship.

    8. A good way to build up to asking for a date is to turn the conversation towards new movies currently showing. Whatever movie you mention, if she expresses interest in seeing it, that might be a strong hint that she hopes that you will ask her out.
    Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from bad decisions.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    That's some very good tips Vincenzo. HP, if you follow all that you will improve quit a bit.
    -to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.- e.e.cummings

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2012
    If you like her, you tell her even if her bold rejected you so your in the mind noodles also have nothing to regret

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