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Thread: I feel like this opportunity is slipping away

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    I feel like this opportunity is slipping away

    Met this girl online who goes to university with me...and even attends the same Russian history class. We became friendly online, then eventually met up IRL.

    She's a terrific girl. Cute, pretty, intelligent, and she is fantastic to talk with. When we speak we speak about life. I feel like we have a good connection intellectually and mentally, and we have a lot of the same interests.

    I liked her from the first time we hung out. But I was never really sure if I should indulge in those feelings and ask her out. We have a mutual friend who claimed she wasn't looking to date right now.

    So we have been hanging out more and more. This past week, we saw each other almost every day. And each day, I am growing to like her more and more. Now, I'm terrible with judging if someone is interested in me, but I feel like she enjoys my company at least. I do spot for her when we're getting food (a milkshake here, a slice of pizza there), and we do generally have fun.

    School is ending soon. Even now, finals approach next week and she is absolutely saddled with work. I asked her to the Met for this weekend, making it as blatantly obvious that I want it to be a date, but I'm not sure if she totally understood that it would be. Regardless, she can't go anymore, as she discovered she has even more work to catch up on.

    She said maybe Sunday she'll want to take a break for a couple hours, so I'd be able to see her for a bit then. I'm thinking of taking her to dinner, and talking to her about how I feel afterwards, but if we don't see each other then...

    She lives three hours away. And on the 30th, she's going to study abroad in Ireland. It's do or die in terms of making a move. But I'm not sure what to say, when to say it, or how to say it. Especially if we can't see each other this weekend.

    How do I tell her how I feel without introducing a new burden in her already packed study schedule? And how can I tell her if not in person?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Is it really worth chasing after a girl who's going to be leaving soon? And how long have you known her? If it's been any longer than a month then it's quite possible you've been friend zoned. I don't know, doesn't sound to me like the stars are aligning for you, especially since her friend said she wasn't looking for a relationship. It sounds like she's really busy and I highly doubt she wants to get involved with a guy before she leaves the country.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I mean, she'll be returning in a month =P

    It's been a couple of weeks, I just want to let her know I'm interested.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Ah, sorry. I figured she'd be gone for a whole semester or something.

    Well in that case you might as well go for it. You should either chase them fast or don't chase them at all. Tell her how you feel so you know where she stands. If she's into you too great, if not you can move on to other opportunities. Good luck.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I guess in a way I'm not even sure how to ask someone on a date, or make it apparent an event is a date. She usually doesn't like to be treated to dinner anyway because it puts pressure on her to "put out" (according to same friend).

    It's been a long time for either of us since we've seen anyone. And we're both pretty socially awkward, so she could very well be attracted to me and I can interpret her signals.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I would forget listening to her friend. Find out what she likes, wants etc yourself. If could be that the friend has it all wrong...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Ummm why even bother if you know she will be traveling abroad? There is a reason why she doesn't want to date, she will not be available. Do yourself a favor and date someone locally.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    BTW you are totally friend zoned. Just because a girl hangs out with you doesn't mean she wants to date you. If she did she would have dropped some heavy hints, flirted or moved in for a kiss a long time ago.

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