So I met a guy on a dating site. I was immediately intrigued when he messaged me so I responded and we started a great conversation. He gave me his number to make talking easier. We started talking and I told him I was going out of town that weekend. We talked more and he mentioned that since I was going to be out of town and he was going to be out of town the next weekend he asked if I wanted to meet a couple of days before he leaves. I said yes. We talked all while I was out of town (whenever I had the chance) and he asked if I got back into town early if I wanted to meet him for dinner. So we did and had an amazing time. Great conversation, he held my hand as we walked around after dinner, and we eventually kissed which was amazing. We kept the original date and instead made it the second date. We were exhausted from work so we kept it short but once again had great conversation and a good time relaxing and walking around.
He mentioned that he'd probably text me and that I could text him too if I wanted. He wouldn't know his schedule for next week until closer to the end of the week. This was Monday. I texted him the next day and we talked for a bit. He was leaving for out of town on Thursday. I figured I shouldn't text him too much and to wait for him to text me. But he hasn't yet. I'm not terribly worried, or trying not to be at least. He disabled or deleted his profile on the website.
But just out of curiosity, should I be worried? I really don't want to be. I guess I'm just looking for reassurance. It's only been a week though. Advice?