I invited a woman over for supper tonight in what will be our fourth date. We've yet to make any physical contact but she's always happy to join me when I call her about setting up a date and stated after our last one that I should let her know if I'd like to do something again. I'm rather inexperienced in dating and have never invited a woman over to my house. I might initiate kissing but I don't want to make a move unless given some physical signs of interest. But maybe she just doesn't really give signs. She's talkative, jokey, and polite but hasn't been at all flirty so far. According to her online dating profile (how I met her) she answered "3-5 dates" to the hypothetical question of how many dates would it take for you to have sex with someone that you really like, so I'd hope by now that kissing her wouldn't be too risky. She's still on the dating site every night, but I know that she prefers dating multiple people at once, she's a very mellow homebody, and that she's only been on the site for a few weeks, so she might just be bored and curious when she's home alone after work.
Any advice on how to approach this date is greatly appreciated.