Hey everyone, new to this forum and just wanted some quick advice on what I could have done better given the following scenario. So a bit about me, I'm 23 and in college at a major university in California. I wouldn't consider myself Fabio by any means, but I generally don't have a problem picking up girls in social situations. Here's my dilemma: today during mass I sat next to some girl who I found to be really attractive. When we held hands during the middle of mass to give grace to God, I felt a connection, it's almost indescribable. At that very moment I knew I wanted to get to know her better, and I wasn't going to miss my chance to get her number. Anyways, keep in mind I said I don't have a problem picking up women in social situations (i.e. clubs). So as I sat there during mass I was trying to think of a smooth way to approach her with the very little time I had (I had to be at a meeting). Once mass was over I was going to just walk away as I couldn't think of anything to say, but something came over me and I turned around and said, "Hey, I wanted to introduce myself I'm ____ , what's your name?" She smiles and introduces herself. I proceed, "look, I hate to come off too strong but I just couldn't help myself you're so beautiful." She blushed. I say, "I have to get going because I'm short on time, but do you think I can have your number so i can take you out to dinner some time?" She hesitates, smiles, and gives me her number. All is great and I'm on my way. I text her about an hour later but she doesn't reply. Did I do something wrong? Just for the record I generally don't like to hit on girls when it doesn't feel right, but as I stated, she had me in awe and I must admit, I was nervous as can be but I wasn't about to let the opportunity get away. Sort of sucks because I never put myself out their and the one time I do I get rejected. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Hop everyone has a great day!