Hey guys I am in need of vaulable information.I have been talking to this guy for a month.He promised me all sorts of things.Well everything was great until my parents and I moved and me and him didn't get to talk every night like we usually do.Cause the computer was off and we had no phone but I did call him once on my cell.
We talked for a little while and he said he'd call me back,and he never did.So I called him for 2 weeks and he never answered the phone nor called me back.I even text messaged him still nothing.So when we got the computer back going I emailed him,he read it no response.So i emailed him again,saying that it was clear that he was dodging me and that if he didn't wanna talk to me all he had to do was say so,even said that we could be just friends if he wanted it that way,still no response.
So the other day I he came online while I was on,to my surprise he IMed me,said he lost his cell and didn't have my number or any numbers for that matter,and he gave me his new number.
But my friend says he called her everyday those 2 weeks.My friend is 50-60 years old and is married,she says he calls her mom.But anyway I asked him if he had talked to her he said no cause she mad him mad.So he talked for a lil while said he was reading mail from 4 days ago but the letters I had sent was in that 4 day time limit and they had already been read,so if he didn't read them then who did.Ok so anyway said he was about through with the emails then all of a sudden he split without saying bye or anything.Well I talked to him tonite this time I IMed him,he talked for a little while.
I asked him if he wanted my cell #,he said it would be nice,then when I gave it to him he said thanks,he didn't say much so I told him he was being awfully quiet,he said he was trying to finsh updating his work website so he could talk a little,I said ok,then I guess as soon as he got done he split again without saying anything.My friend was still online so I asked her whens the last time she talked to him,she said she was on the phone with him right then,she asked me if I had his number I told her yes I did,then she asked me which one I had,I told her his new number,she said which one,I told her I had the number written down in my room and couldn't remember it,she told me to go get it,I asked why,then she said just because and then said I'm gonna go to bed.
Now if she was on the phone with him why did she want me to tell her which of his phone numbers I had,it doesn't make since to me.I don't have the slightest clue whats going on with my so-called boyfriend either.So any advice is well appreciated...please I need all the help I can get cause I am lost.