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Thread: i dont know how to make contact again...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    i dont know how to make contact again...

    i met this girl in 2007 becuase shes my brothers friend (they dont like each other) but i didnt care.

    in early 2009 i talked to her more and we saw each other and i fell in love with her, for a while shes been calling me her brother because shes a friend of the family.

    shes 16 and im 18, and we go to different schools, and havent talked since september.

    i told her i loved her december 2010 and june 2011 but she got a boyfriend in june so i just gave up and stopped talking about it. 90% of 2011 was horrible because she was in my mind non-stop.

    around christmas 2011 i kinda attempted to ask this girl out but it didnt go anywhere and im thinking of my neighbor again. it seems like i should at least contact her but whenever we text its boring and (i used to walk to her house sometimes which is half a mile away) but going there now might be sudden/awkward.

    i dont know what to do and i REALLY want to tell her i love her but i cant see that happening and making it work...

    please dont say "forget about her" because its been too long, i need to talk to her, but dont know how to make it work.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Loving someone is not enough to cause them to love you back. So telling them that you love them could scare them away and besides you have already tried it twice. A healthy kind of love is the one that is mutually shared and grew over time of being together. From what I can tell, you are infatuated with her. She probably don't think of you much. Since she is with a boyfriend now you have to back off and let it play out on her own terms. Obsessing over her won't attract her. So do some positive things with your life (career, sport, or goals) and go through a few relationships so at least you can gain some experience on how to make it work with her if an opportunity comes.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    West Michigan
    I think you should rein in your emotions a bit there, friend. If you tell her you love her right off, she will get scared off and run away. Why not ask her for a date and get to know her? You may not end up liking her, maybe she has "racing stripes" in her panties.
    I have a long time interest in psychology, specializing in relationship dynamics for 30 years.
    (Please note, we give the best advice we can based on the information given in a post. For better advice, please include the age of all romantic partners.)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by heavymetalkid View Post

    please dont say "forget about her" because its been too long, i need to talk to her, but dont know how to make it work.

    So you what you really want is advice from us that fits in with what YOU think.

    Forget it. Most of us here will tell you to GET REAL. Most of us here have experience of how the REAL WORLD works and however much you 'love' (or are infatuated) with somebody will in no way make them love you.

    SHE IS NOT INTERESTED. So find someone who is and have lots of sex. You'll soon forget about whatever her name was.

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