So my boyfriend and I were having sex. We went a couple times and he mentally wanted to go for another but his penis hurt to be hard at that point. He wanted to think of things to make the boner go away since it hurt so he said "I need to think of something gross. What's something gross?" and one of the first things he said was some girl's name. I know of this girl and I always thought she was pretty and attractive. Apparently even though she's pretty it's still possible she's still "gross" in my boyfriend's eyes? I didn't quite understand why. Then to help eliminate the boner he also said her ex boyfriend's name and then thought of them both I suppose and it worked to kill the boner. It was unusual he mentioned her name and her ex boyfriend. It's possible to think of what I always considered an attractive girl but which he thinks is gross to get rid of your boner? and then her also ex boyfriend? uhmm? Well what do you guys think?