He shows all the signs of wanting to be in a committed relationship.
I don't do "signs". I ask the person directly. When one has clear communication, one gets a lot more of what one wants. My gf happens to like my no-games directness. And I like hers.
I know I love him however I am not ready to share that in fear of not having it reciprocated and I don't want to pressure him into saying it if he isnt ready.
If you risk nothing, you will get nothing in return. Take a risk, ask him how he would feel if you told him the "L" word. You might be surprised. He might be waiting for YOU because he doesn't want to pressure YOU. Talk about it directly. I did with my gf, and it worked for me.
Grr... i'm such a typical female
I disagree. I think you are simply inexperienced, even at your age.
Do you think he is marriage material? Is he that good, mature, dependable of a guy? If not, why waste your time on a long-term relationship? Do you want to get married, or just be life partners? I'm not judging, but more and more people are not getting married, they are just going to be life partners. And they are very happy that way.
Last edited by bulrush; 26-11-11 at 02:11 AM.
I have a long time interest in psychology, specializing in relationship dynamics for 30 years.
(Please note, we give the best advice we can based on the information given in a post. For better advice, please include the age of all romantic partners.)