My fiancee's six-year-old son is a good kid overall. I love him very much, and he treats me like a father. There is a strong bond.
Like every child, they can get hyper and sometimes annoy the heck out of adults. This boy is no exception. In fact, he gets into more trouble than most kids his age. He just started 1st grade, and he already got sent to principal's office during the 1st week of school. My fiancee said he has improved tremendously since pre-school, as he no longer hits his teachers anymore. I have a daughter with autism, so I am aware of behavioral problems in children. I suggested to my fiancee that maybe we should have the boy tested. She got really defensive and said he is gifted and different, that's all. I basically never brought up the topic again, as I figure it's no use. So every other day he gets a "yellow" flag in school, which indicates moderate misbehavior. He is always shouting....All I hear is his shouting. He wakes up at 5am and starts shouting.....I can't stand it. Last weekend he hit my fiancee, and got grounded. Later that day my fiancee cried and told me maybe it's better we don't get married because I will one day resent this boy, and the marriage would suffer. I told her I love him like my own son... but I also wanted to say that he has major issues and needs help. I couldn't make myself say it, because his mom is in denial. At this point i am torn.... we are supposed to be married next year, and this boy is making everyone upset almost every day. His 9-year-old sister teases him often, so things are even worse.
My own daughter with autism never had such issues.... In fact, she is the most easy-going kid of all the children. My daughter was "labelled" when she was 3, and received lots of services to help her improve. Now she is 7, and can pretty much pass for a typical kid.... She goes to regular school, and was student of the month last month. And here is this boy, whom his mom believes is gifted, gets into trouble so often that his own father doesn't want to see him. I work 14 hour days, so I feel my exhaustion is beginning to push me to the limit. Recently my patience has been reduced, and the boy's actions really annoy me.
I feel bad for saying this, but it's true. Here is what he does:
* Wakes up at 5am...and crawls into bed with his mom and me.
* Fidgets non-stop until we can't sleep anymore, and are forced to get up and feed him.
* Runs around the house and punches invisible people.
* Shouts....shouts....constant shouting.
* Freaks out over strange mushrooms on the grass, or a bug on the sidewalk.
* Calls people silly names constantly, like "shut up you button face"
* Loves video games, and cries when he loses.
* Makes a mess every where, and fights when he is told to clean up, get dressed, brush teeth...everything.
* Freaks out if his food touches another food on the same plate (peas touching the carrots is a NO NO).
* Would not stop talking.... he can't finish a sentence without going back to the beginning to repeat the first few words..
* Cannot finish class work by himself. Teacher asked his mom if they could pull him out and work with him individually, and his mom said no it isn't necessary.... he's just lazy.
It's becoming a real pain going on family trips. We have gone to disneyland, legoland, universal and various zoos.... Every single time his mom has to drag him to the parking lot and make him cool down because he gets violently upset when we have to wait in line or if the ride is unsuitable for him. Next week we are going to legoland again, and I am so dreading it... I have a headache thinking about it.
I love this boy...I honestly do.... But sometimes I think to myself if he were my son, I would get him the help that he needs. He is very creative in his drawings, and loves music. I would get him therapy so he can channel his energy towards his strengths. I feel as though much of his mother's depression comes from him, but she just wouldn't admit it. I am truly frustrated.... as this boy is affecting our relationship.
Any input would be appreciated.