NC sucks but its for the best.. It's like taking bitter medicine. My NC was for about a year.. Well she sorta wished me happy birthday on my birthday and I replied and that was the end of it, though I don't know if that's considered breaking NC but no conversation continued after that.. Back to the topic, I went NC from March until well.. Right now. First month is PURE HELL.. It's the month where I was cracking, bursting, raging etc.. Second month, I decided to bring in some self-improvement.. And the third month pretty much gained momentum.
I felt during NC that just about anything that boosts my self-esteem had helped heaps.. And it even has its long term benefits (eg. working out) My abs are harder now. And well, I usually don't prevent myself from thinking of her.. When the thought comes, I just sorta embrace it, be it anger or sadness whatever. Also found reading forums and certain how-to websites useful.