So I am at a complete loss over the situation I am in right now. My ex and myself broke up over a year ago now. We had been together for over 8 years, and it was a pretty messy breakup. About 4 months after the breakup she contacted me, about a structural issue with her place and she needed some advice (her daughter had drove the suv through the garage), so I went by and gave her the advice she needed to make sure the place wouldn't fall down. A month or so of intermintent contact and she contacted me and told me that she could not handle us talking anymore and had to cut all ties. I totally understood and respected her wishes. And even though she still finds a half dozen times or so to contact me in one form or another, it is kept civil etc.
Fast forward to a few days ago. I wake up one morning to find a bunch of emails from P of F and apparently I have a account on there. Turns out my ex has made a profile using my email account and said/done a bunch of mean/rude/ignorant things on this account, and now I have a bunch of older men wanting to be my friend (this may sound funny, but seeing where the source was coming from was meant to be malicious). I contacted her about it, just saying I wanted to have a talk because this had happened (at this point I don't know it is her, just suspect it is). She tells me that she could care less what I want to talk about. I finally have to say that I am going to get the police involved before she well be confronted about it. After some emails back and forth where she seems to be picking a fight, going on about how horrible I was to her and her kids, etc. I finally tell her I am sorry she feels that way, and that she needs to grow up and that I have respected her request for "no contact" yet she keeps doing things to contact me. The final email is about how I have no understanding, I am a insensitive jerk, that I am lucky she ever paid the money back she owed me, etc.
I am truely hurt by all of this. I have tried to be nice, helpful, understanding etc. I just don't seem able to win. I am not a bad person, I gave a hundred percent into that relationship and ended it when I had exhausted everything in me to make it work. I am looking for opinions/ points of view of how to deal with this?