Hello everyone. I am in my first relationship with a great girl. We have been dating for just over 6 months. She is very kind, and generous, and up until about 2 months ago there were no issues. The biggest problem to arise, is one of the sexual nature. Recently I have been less and less attracted to her, both physically and intellectually. I feel as though I don't get as turned on as I used to with her. And I think this boils down to just a few reasons. First of all is her appearance. I have never been too bothered by my girlfriend's looks. She is a quite attractive girl with a striking appearance. Unfortunately she is, and always has been very self-conscious about her looks. I have always tried comforting her, but it really gets her down, and it has gotten so bad that I have begun believing everything she says about herself. The main thing being her weight. She is slightly overweight, and it really bothers her, but she never really takes any initiative to lose weight. The next reason that I am feeling less attracted to her is one of emotion. Recently she has been having family issues, and she has been really down on herself about them. I want to be there for her, and show her that I care, but it can be difficult when she is in such a fragile state. She gets really offended by the smallest of things, and our relationship has become much more stressful than fun. She worries that we are growing apart, and I try to tell her that it won't happen, but she begins to cling on to me a lot. It's ironic because the more she worries about not breaking up, the more likely it becomes, because she starts to suffocate me, and I try pulling back, but it's a vicious cycle. And the last reason. I don't know if she is completely there for me. I feel like she wants me to comfort her all the time, and yes, I understand that I am the guy in the relationship, but I don't think that that means that I shouldn't be comforted too. I guess I just feel like lots of the time she's so worried about herself and her troubles, that she doesn't see that I'm hurting too. What should I do? I want to be there for her, but ultimately, I feel like it might not be the best thing to do, if I can't support her 100%, and if I can't be attracted to her as much as she would like me to. Should I push through it, and continue to feed her lies, and false hope, or should I move on?