From time to time I seem to get anxious or worried about my relationship and I wondered if that was normal. It seems to happen roughly around once maybe twice a month and lasts for a couple of days and I can't particularly find a cause for it.
When I first met my girlfriend she was a very different person to who she is now (she has depression, and her friends encouraged her to go out drinking and getting totally wrecked every weekend). She also told me a lot of things about her previous relationships because she says things without thinking (just stupidity on her part, lol. Her breakups didn't go well).
So some times I just get worried about our relationship. I think a lot of her friends are a bad influence (they drink ALL the time, sleep around, etc), and she doesn't do the things she used to enjoy doing when we firt met, like going to see bands or going to the pub. Since we have been together she has been so sweet and caring and assures me that this is how she really is and when I first met her she was stuck in a rut and couldn't get out.
But my worry is I might have changed her or that I'm being controlling somehow. Today, for example, I'm really worried about our relationship and I don't even know why. I know she's had contact with one of her old friends that drink and sleep around, but I really do feel very uneasy and I'm sure this can't be the only reason.
Is it normal to get worried about a relationship like from time to time, for very little reason? Is there soemthing wrong with me?